Welcome to James Presley Longhorns

In 2017 my wife and I were visiting our youngest son and his family who were living in Houston, Texas. During our visit we decided to visit NASA and take a tour of Apollo Mission Central. While riding the tram we rounded the corner and some of the most beautiful cattle I had ever seen appeared in a pasture off to our left. The tour guide explained they were owned by Rice University. I immediately began researching the phenomenal beasts and soon became totally enamored in the breed. Later that year our first three cows arrived at our small farm in Jackson, TN. When we turned them into our pasture my first thought was “What have I gotten myself into?”! Little did I realize how they have a way of finding their way into your heart and soul.

Our plan is to improve and build on our herd with quality genetics, excellent horn, and beautiful colors. To us our Texas Longhorns aren’t simply cattle but living works of art that take us back to a time that was a simpler, cleaner, more natural way of life. When we’re out with our animals the pressures and stresses of life seem to dissipate somewhere far away. Our hope is to spread our passion and the blessings of owning Texas Longhorns to as many others as we possibly can.

To experience these magnificent creatures for yourself view our herd on the following pages, or better yet, come visit our operation in West Tennessee just outside Jackson off Interstate 40.